Are we really so anti-perspiration? To prevent oneself from perspiring is tantamount to abstaining from urination – or swearing off fluids altogether because obviously, if nothing goes in, nothing can come out. Problem solved..? That just sounds ridiculous.
That’s because it’s insanity.
Sweating is our body’s natural means of cooling while at the same time, casting off a few lingering toxins. Most try to avoid it for the reason that sweat and stench are known to go hand in hand. Fact. Perspiration only stinks if your body gives it reason to. In other words, if your liver is so polluted that bacteria must be sweated out through the pores where it will dry to emit a charming malodour, well, you’re probably a good candidate for a detoxification programme.
It is a fallacy that all toxins must be sweated out; truth is, only a fraction of all bacteria found in the body are expunged via perspiration. It is the job of the liver to filter out these impurities. If this is done properly, the act of sweating is purely a cooling mechanism.
As for the chemistry of antiperspirants: without exception your aerosol can will be layering on your underarms a healthy dose of aluminium chloride – or aluminium sulphate depending on manufacturer and variety. Regardless of who made what type, both compounds have been linked to Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. Aluminium chloride is the active ingredient in most antiperspirants, working to temporarily block pores and inhibit sweat glands. Deodorant or antiperspirant makes little difference; by squirting the contents of that aluminium can under your armpits, you’re effectively spraying metal onto one of the most porous therefore permeable parts of your body.
Excessive sweaters think it’s a curse. It’s not. I too experience this condition. If anything it’s a sign of good body function. In most cases it indicates good circulation, hence your body’s constant need for cooling. Also as a profuse perspirer, despite your overactive sweat glands, it is likely that you will face less of a body odour problem than someone who is never bothered by sweating.
Generally the more one perspires, the less offensive that perspiration will smell. This is because the few bacteria which escape your liver’s daily purge probably exit your body in a calm and dignified manner, while you are asleep. Conversely for someone whose pores seldom open, on the rare occasion that they do, this person will emit months’ worth of accumulated odour in a single repulsive puff.
Most men don’t appear terribly concerned with the state of their underarms and nor should they be. They’re men. The desire however, for women to maintain dryness while at work or in public; on the dancefloor or engaging in other strenuous activities, is understandable. They’re women.
Ultimately if you are habitual user of factory-designed aromas, ensure firstly that you are aware of what they are doing to your body but mostly, for God’s sake, don’t overdo the spray.
Article by Mit Reklaw
Edited by Sweigh T Craque
Photography by Naip E Rasch