ANZAC Day falls on Monday this year; I can tell because Monday’s a public holiday.
Curiously, just two years’ ago ANZAC Day fell on a Friday; I know that because I attended an Aerosmith concert in Dunedin on the Thursday night, slept in my car on the street and was woken at 5 a.m. by a throng of hearty revellers on their way to the Friday morning, ANZAC Dawn Service.
That was two years’ ago. Must have been one hell of a leap year to skip right through to Monday this year…
No, I’m being daft. As we all know it’s actually the result of an initiative pushed forward by that sector of the working-class who feel aggrieved every five or so years when the sacrifice made by those brave men back in Gallipoli in 1915 doesn’t result in their own relaxation.
Nice one.
Article by Tim Walker
Edited by I Danno
Photography by Cam Oln