“In breaking news, North Korea has further condemned itself, by horrifically, bombing its neighbour to the east, and supposed ally, Japan.
“Today, the fourth day of November, twenty thirteen will forever be, marked as a black day for the people of Japan, as, reports have it, as many as thirty missile strikes, in the space of four minutes, have decimated their, once bountiful, land.
“According to sources Japan was unwilling, to go along with this recent, North Korean quest, for global colonisation and so, seemingly, this is the North Korean military’s way, of strong-arming, or bullying them into doing so.
“Of course, with, reportedly, major devastation spanning from top to bottom, fatalities are expected to be in the millions, perhaps even tens of millions.
“First the US capital, now the whole of Japan, the question that must be hanging from everyone’s lips, is, who next?
“This has been Jules Peach, with Three News, reporting live out of Pyongyang, North Korea, where the tension is becoming very claustrophobic, goodnight.”
He had stayed in town with his parents for support, and while the initial feeling was that they were supporting him, after seeing the way this most recent update had affected them, he decided the other was around was probably more accurate. He supposed it was his lack of worldly exposure in later life that was allowing him to languish under a cloud of blissful naivety; he perhaps wasn’t as aware as his father and mother were of the potential for modern day calamity. Apocalyptical demise notwithstanding, it was good to have the old Walters team back together, under one roof. The ad break finished and everyone again turned focus to the television: “We are here live now with UN correspondent, Carol Hives, Carol, thank you for indulging us once again.”
“Quite alright, Michael, how are things in the south?”
“Honestly, Carol, they are unchanged, and, well, other than a blanket of dread, which has cast itself over our nation, we are going about our lives, as before, and, I guess, waiting.”
“Waiting is all anyone can do, at a time like this.”
“Tell me though, Carol, what does the UN Security Council intend to do, about this, rogue, nation?”
“Make no mistake, while we certainly don’t condone the actions of belligerent, or, as they have been called, pugnacious, leaders, here at the UN our weapons are words … We advise, and our advice, to North Korea, is to stop what you are doing this instant, and think of the consequences of another world war.”
“…Which is what they are looking to start, Carol..?”
“Which is what they will start if they continue on their path, Michael.”
“And how likely do you think it is, that they will heed your advice?”
“Quite honestly, Michael, I don’t like our chances at all, I think there is more to North Korea’s ambitions than settling simply, a childish vendetta against the US … I actually think we are dealing with the mind, of, a psychopath.”
“OK … Would you care to elaborate on that, Carol?”
“Michael, it was initially asserted that the North Korean military, had been corrupted by, an overwhelming sense of, megalomania, that they were enamoured with the concept of power, but on reflection, I’m beginning not to think that North Korea wants land, and I don’t think they particularly want power, or even domination or any of those things -”
“Carol, Carol, sorry to interrupt, Carol, but when you say ‘North Korea don’t want these things’ and ‘we are dealing with the mind of a psychopath’, to whom exactly, do you refer?”
“In fairness, Michael, here at the UN we, typically, like to avoid naming names, but if you insist on forcing my hand … I refer to recently incarcerated, recently liberated, General of the North Korean Army, Kodos Wanton.”
“And you attest to his being a psychopath..?”
“I attest to nothing, the man is insane, there can be no other reason to conscript, practically one’s entire male population … Michael, Kodos Wanton is killing, purely for the love, of killing.”
“And on that bombshell, Carol, we must leave you, thank you for your input.”
“Thank you Michael, goodnight.”
Kahn turned to his father, who appeared to have aged ten years during that three minute broadcast. He looked at his mother, who smiled her disingenuous response.
“What did ya make of all that?” his father rasped.
“Can’t say I’m surprised,” replied Kahn meekly, “I knew there was more to it than a simple land battle – and that Wanton…”
“You’re right about that,” his father concluded.
“Who wants dessert then, eh?” his mother cheered in the hope of lifting the mood.
“Nah, I’m right, thanks sweets,” said his father, reclining in his chair.
“I’m good too, thanks,” said Kahn.
“Might catch a few winks before the late news tonight,” said his father, reclining further.
“Do you reckon they’ll have more news on the Korean story?” asked Kahn.
“I bloody hope not,” said his father as he closed his eyes.
Right. Its confirmed. They getting suspicious. They know somethings going down. They keep bringing in more so its not like I’m winning a battle or anything, but they know someones out there. They know someones knocking them off, one by one. I’m tired, I’m hungry, and I’m pretty sure they’re going to catch me soon, and I have no idea what’ll happen then, but the way its looking, anything is better than being here.
Still keeping the pride, K.
how to make a great article like this?