I don’t reckon I could handle seeing even one more news article about Connor bloody Morris, as if his death was some kind of terrible loss to New Zealand society…
As the boyfriend of Millie Elder-Holmes it was likely this man’s bad-boy image that ingratiated him to her in the first place yet ironically, it was seemingly that same ‘bad-boy’ image that wound up getting the guy killed.
…Mr Morris was a common thug. As a member of one of New Zealand’s more notorious motorcycle gangs, realistically, little good would have ever come from the life of this Headhunter.
That’s the thing that winds me up about these so called gangs – Mongrel Mob, Hell’s Angels, Headhunters, Black Power, also to a lesser extent I guess the Harris Gang – generally speaking their members do nothing to benefit society, instead pervading a sense of fear and unrest among those people who are genuinely contributing.
Connor Morris is said to have died trying to protect one of his friends, which all sounds very innocent and one might be forgiven for feeling sympathetic towards the deceased, but here’s the utter bullshit of the situation. This friend he was trying to protect; indeed the entire sense of vitriol fuelling this altercation in the first place, was likely gang-related.
Once a person becomes involved with gang lifestyle violence and discord invariably follow them everywhere. There’s nothing additionally ‘safe’ or ‘secure’ about being part of a gang and in fact the only reason a gang member might require the backing of his gang-mates, is to shelter himself from the deluge of national antipathy brought about by being in a gang.
Also, to those gang members who believe they don’t pose any chance of disharmonious feeling to the country, you might want to consider altering your gang’s name to something a little less negative, intimidating and just plain boorish.
May you Rest in Peace, Connor Morris – something the lives of the people tormented by your gang will never be able to do until the day they die.
Article by Tim Walker
Edited by Gong Warf Heir
Photography by So-Si E T Drayne