Throughout New Zealand, employment inequality is a fiercely lobbied topic; yet is it even rational to expect equality across all industries?
Men and women are different. This is not disputed and, as far as I can recall, this much has always been true.
New Zealand now has activist groups seemingly dedicated to disproving the above truth; they are trying to establish a variant truth – that aside from their inherent differences men and women are the same.
In my opinion the term ‘gender pay gap’, in reference to the amount of respective remuneration a man and woman receive for performing essentially the same task, is the most nonsensical grammatical institution of the modern world. If a man leaves a particular position of employment which is subsequently taken up by a woman, of course she ought to be paid the same as he was; she’s obviously just as qualified as he was to do the job, therefore the job is being done to a similar level thus the same level of remuneration is obviously required.
Generally, women are equally as capable as men. They are the more delicate, more elegant and generally less robust of the two, yet with experience, most any female can perform most any job of their male counterpart.
Here’s my issue: much as we might hear about certain industries ‘not being well-represented by women’, or how ‘we need to get more women interested in this industry’, sometimes, it’s just not realistic to expect our biologically fairer gender to be interested in particular industries.
A female can work in the male-dominated Forestry industry and…
Providing she is content doing this variety of work, certainly, a female ought to be compensated on a level equal to that of her male colleagues.
A female can work in the male dominated IT industry and…
Providing she is content doing this variety of work, certainly, a female ought to be compensated on a level equal to that of her male colleagues.
A female can work in the male-dominated Heavy Road Transport industry and…
Providing she is content doing this variety of work, certainly, a female ought to be compensated on a level equal to that of her male colleagues.
A female can work in the male-dominated Mechanical Engineering industry and…
Providing she is content doing this variety of work, certainly, a female ought to be compensated on a level equal to that of her male colleagues; as much as the typical Women’s Rights advocate might refuse to admit it the female mind is very different from a male’s, with different likes, dislikes, interests, preferences, passions, repulsions, and such.
…Still, there are women out there who blindly maintain ‘A girl should be able to do anything a boy can do’…
Take a glance over ‘Tim Walker’s Inequality’ (circa September 2015) using the ‘Search’ box at the top right, and see what you reckon about that.
A female can work in the male-dominated Male Erotic Dancing industry and…
Article by Tim Walker
Edited by Adam N Eve
Photography by E Koala-Tea