I am sick of fully functional people, with the help of 21st century medical science, being afforded liberties to make their lives more desirable.
Cosmetic surgery to allow the desperately self-conscious among us to be happy.
More cosmetic surgery because the way that nature grew us just isn’t satisfactory.
Antidepressants for those people who find themselves having a bad day.
More antidepressants because life continues to present difficult situations.
Diet pills for those who have allowed themselves to become larger than they would like.
Gastric bypasses for when they become so big they need a new knee to carry themselves.
I am sick of New Zealand’s Socialist Government spending a lot of money on people who, ultimately, don’t deserve anyone’s help.
Convicts continuously enlisting legal aid because they want to make changes.
Other inmates with nothing else to do but lobby for increased standards of living.
Facial reconstruction for idiots who explode their kitchens while cooking meth.
Prosthetic limb for the one who crashed their car and lost a leg trying to outrun Police.
Medical attention for the youth bleeding out after the dairy owner defended himself.
All other medical attention for injuries sustained while committing serious criminal acts.
I am sick of shitheads, I am sick of their arrogance, I am sick of their entitlement, I am sick of their discourtesy, I am sick of their over-confidence, I am sick of their commanding natures; I am sick of their bumptious attitudes which seem to preclude any fear of consequence should they one day decide to pull in their heads and take responsibility for their lives thereby appreciating the emotional destruction caused by their callous actions.
Sometimes life is difficult.
Sometimes people make it harder.
Sometimes life is unfortunate.
Sometimes people make it better.
Sometimes life doesn’t deliver what we want.
Sometimes it does.
Sometimes life is not worth living.
Sometimes it is.
Sometimes life is unfair.
Sometimes life is just life.
Sometimes we need to take responsibility for our lives.
Sometimes we need to make changes within our lives.
Sometimes we need to learn to live with the vicissitudes of life.
Sometimes we need to realise that simply, life wasn’t put here for us – we were put here for life.
Article by Tim Walker
Edited by Devi Staten
Photography by E Motions