New Zealand appears terrified by the latest variant of COVID-19.
Omicron has been shown to be highly transmissible although, sounding like one of the original Transformers, it is potentially less harmful than Delta and is still ultimately COVID.
Indeed, Omicron is effectively the same Coronavirus infection you have been fighting for the past two years, just weaker.
The problem, as always, is the way our officials pervade fear through all media outlets.
Sounds awful; more transmissible, may not be able to be controlled by the vaccine and – although preliminary research has found Omicron is ‘less likely to cause severe symptoms, including death, than Delta’ – COVID Omicron sounds essentially like a watered-down, vaccinated version of COVID Delta.
‘Omicron is spreading throughout the world much faster than Delta…’
Let it; the world is eventually going to succumb to COVID-19 and if Omicron does not plan to kill as many as Delta would have, I say let Omicron take control.
Message to National Media: Please, quit scaring folk with your sombre daily talk of ‘New Cases of COVID’ and ‘National Spread of COVID’, ‘COVID … COVID … COVID…’; it is unnecessary, we are now officially 90% vaxed thus COVID numbers are irrelevant and do nothing but unsettle people – talk about COVID Hospital Admissions, talk about how ill COVID is making the unlucky few, talk about how tired healthy people are of hearing about COVID because seriously, nobody cares anymore for your sensational scaremongering.
Omicron, the less-harmful Transformer, you deserve about as much regard as the piece of shit I just flushed down the toilet.
Article by Tim Walker
Edited by Moran Meets
Photography by Dee Eye