From a legal standpoint, how is ‘a declaration of war’ any different to ‘conspiracy to commit mass murder’?
Six days ago, when Russia waged war on Ukraine, Vladimir Putin became immediately famous for, if nothing else, being the most unsupported warmonger in history; seemingly no one wants the war against Ukraine, most people around the world have no idea what Putin is hoping to achieve and few in Russia even understand the war’s meaning.
Vladimir Putin seems to be away in his own pugnacious little world holding a pissing contest with himself.
At the height of D Trump’s US presidency, when many people were fearful that the US President’s riling of Kim Jong Un might begin a war with North Korea, I recall uttering the words ‘There is no way, in the 21st century, that the world would be sufficiently ignorant to allow itself to descend into another World War’; I stand by that statement and, given that wars between two nations are effectively that – pissing contests between ignoramuses to see who is the most ignorant – in this age of intelligence and logic, there is no reason for anyone to resort to violence to accomplish their quests.
NATO are now talking about Putin standing trial for ‘war crimes’; please refer to my opening paragraph.
One thing about Russia’s war with Ukraine, from New Zealand’s perspective, we finally have something to shift focus from COVID; yesterday New Zealand had 20,000 new cases of COVID-19 of which there were 9 in ICU – less illness than a wintertime cold and flu season but, due to months of feverish scaremongering by the New Zealand Government, people are terrified.
Task at hand; pull your head in and get your hand off it, Putin, stop being an antiquated shithead and realise that declarations of war are no longer the way to achieve your goals.
The people of Ukraine don’t want your war and, likely, nor do your own countrymen.
Article by Tim Walker
Edited by Pont Les War
Photography by Warren Co Vid