Tim Walker’s Protesting VI

Unsurprisingly all this talk of the ‘Greatest Trade Progression in the History of the World’ – the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement – has riled a large portion small-minded New Zealand.

In the coming days Prime Minister John Key intends to sign a deal with basically the entire first world extending and ensuring the future prosperity of our great nation; in the coming days a rabble of ‘peaceful’ protesters intend to voice their displeasure at this impending agreement for no other reason than they feel their collective voice has not been heard on the matter.

The phrase ‘future prosperity’ relates directly to aspects such as better healthcare (about which protests have been abundant), lower poverty (plenty of protest there, too), more jobs (about which one cannot escape the protesting…), higher wages (…unless it’s protesting this topic) and basically, improved standard of living; yet these protesters seem to consider it a violation of their democratic rights…

Gosh I’m confused; thus my one question of these protesters, what I would very much like to know to the point that in fact no, screw it, I demand to know, what is it that you people find so very disagreeable about progression? That’s all it’s going to be: the country of New Zealand will be going forward along with the rest of the first world while, I guess, you ignorant protesters will be standing on the street, waving your homemade banners, reciting your hackneyed chants and, despite posing a considerable impediment to the lives of many unfortunate and unrelated people, claiming that ‘what you’re doing is completely legal so you cops can’t touch us’; then when a policeman does politely ask you to move and you spit at his feet eliciting a firm removal from the premises unearthing your fresh protests of ‘police brutality’ because your mind just isn’t sharp enough to come up with anything original to call it, while you watch the rest of the world pass you by for the simple reason that you are against any change especially change for the better.

…Annoying me further was hearing some of these protesters’ Maori contingent gleefully joking that, ‘oh yeah, once we’re done here, it’ll be off to Waitangi for the protests there’ – protests – shit, do you people even know what you’re protesting anymore?

My God, from what I can make out you ungrateful pillocks are complaining about treatment from the man who is ultimately paying your weekly benefits, without which you’d have no time to complain in the first place.

Work that one out.



Article by Tim Walker

Edited by Noah Thyme

Photography by Mel Con Taint

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