Tim Walker’s Meds

Hallelujah – New Zealand’s medical profession have just come upon a means of controlling ADHD using totally natural products.

True to form of our miraculously open-minded and always ground-breaking medical profession, they made a discovery that my very own mother passed down to her hyperactive child when I was still an ebullient young lad.

Once full of nothing but ridicule for the vitamins and minerals abundant on the surface of our planet, it now seems that’s exactly what doctors are being instructed to prescribe to these cases of Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder.

Obviously the medical profession will need to do something about these supplements’ innocuous natural health packaging, also fabricate a few warnings about overdose or such and make up some potential side-effects because, well, otherwise it’s just not a medical drug; then of course they’ll have to bump up the health store retail price to run more in accordance with typically exorbitant pharmaceutical products…

I’ve said it in past posts and I will not hesitate to say it again: New Zealand’s medical profession with its expensive research and its extensive testing seems to always ensure it is at least ten years behind the nation’s natural health practitioners.

…So it looks as though New Zealand’s children might be saying goodbye to their side-effect-laden Ritalin and, providing our drug manufacturers don’t over-synthesise these natural products thereby ruining their integrity (as they almost certainly will), this new era might just mean the end of today’s children’s congenital deficiencies in magnesium, selenium, Omega 3; C, D, E, and B-vitamins.

We’ll see.



Article by Tim Walker

Edited by Kasha P Guise

Photography by U Lugger/B Hind


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