I am seen to take a variety of forms yet all are ultimately the same thing.
I am a challenge to obtain and people are often reluctant to let me go.
I am said to have an uplifting odour yet to ingest me would be unpleasant.
I am a most sought after prize yet am the cause of much unhappiness.
I like to be kept secure yet am renowned for inspiring foolishness.
I am most important yet most avoid talking about me.
I am a great traveller yet I seldom see the sights.
I am under Government command yet am often complicit in illicit acts.
I was more commonly seen twenty years ago than I am today.
I am a compelling force yet have no physical strength.
I can display a multitude of colours but my biggest is red.
I am born in a place with the same name as an aromatic herb.
I contain no blood yet my travels are known as circulation.
I have a name which begins similarly to the right now or kind of a grape.
Last week’s Fustigator: Cobweb