I am extremely helpful yet rather weak.
I am adept at cartage yet underperform when overloaded.
I am usually of a convivial façade yet it depends who has me.
I am used by many and abused by some.
I am a valuable assistant yet cheapened through mass production.
I am robust enough yet will crack under pressure.
I am proud of my name even though it sounds like a curse.
I am a kind of hat yet I would look silly resting on one’s head.
I am beholden to take what I am given yet sometimes I drop it.
I am the inspiration behind a list yet would rather compile soil.
I am not good with hot ashes yet perfect for when they are cool.
I am aware that should I form a hole one dear lady will fix it.
I am a tool to the living yet a metaphor to kick when dead.
Last week’s Fustigator: Water