Tim Walker’s Propaganda

In communist countries such North Korea or, to a lesser extent, China, national media is controlled largely by respective governments.

This ensures the people of the aforementioned communist nations are told only what their governments want them to hear thus believe only the information their respective government want/need them to believe.

New Zealand’s incumbent Government operates under socialist rule which, while not as left-wing as Communism, with high taxation and a national populous which is basically funded through the Government purse, Socialism is right out there on the left.

Remember that unnamed New Zealander who died back in May after receiving a first dose of the COVID vaccine?  No? No, you probably wouldn’t; the Government did what they could to downplay that situation, going as far as assuring us ‘there is no direct link’ between the vaccination and the death.

This ensures the people of the aforementioned communist nations are told only what their governments want them to hear thus believe only the information their respective government want/need them to believe.

I am wholly in support of this recent vaccination push and understand that, obviously, the Government is doing all they can to avoid negative publicity on the topic yet, to encourage or force media to withhold otherwise newsworthy information from the public for the benefit of their own agenda, is grossly irresponsible.

One might argue, ‘No, no way does Government hold influence over national media…?’

Take a few major New Zealand news outlets – TVNZ, Newshub, Fairfax – TVNZ is obviously state (Government)-owned and Newshub? Well, Newshub is owned by Mediaworks which, while not strictly Government-owned, like Fairfax, resides under the sheltering influence of a government umbrella.

Still not sure?

Well, surely you heard about the Auckland schoolgirl who died just a few weeks ago, in late September, from ‘complications’ regarding the COVID shot? No? Seriously, she was 17 years old; that should have been across global headlines for weeks.

This ensures the people of the aforementioned communist nations are told only what their governments want them to hear thus believe only the information their respective government want/need them to believe.

I was made aware of another New Zealand death last night relating to the COVID vaccine – young man, tattoos, think he was an aspiring DJ – but can find no trace of the story today.


New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, like many political leaders, is guilty of using propaganda for the purpose of scaremongering; COVID-19 is being portrayed by her media team as a certain death-sentence yet, we are told, all this can be avoided through vaccination.

The above is patently untrue; statistically, most COVID sufferers are asymptomatic, around 1 in 100 suffer severe illness and around 1 in 1000 will die from the virus – vaccinated people can still contract the virus, they can still spread the virus, they can still suffer from the virus, and they can still die from the virus.

This ensures the people of the aforementioned communist nations are told only what their governments want them to hear thus believe only the information their respective government want/need them to believe.

The New Zealand public is being fed propaganda by a typically mendacious left-wing government who acts as if the country is their dictatorship to run and they will dictate that country indefinitely, with all the good little Kiwi minions exalting their intrepid leader for eternity.

Realistically, Jacinda Ardern is preparing to seize the next election thus right now, public perception is everything.

This ensures the people of the aforementioned communist nations are told only what their governments want them to hear thus believe only the information their respective government want/need them to believe.

The reason, I believe, that the Government is drawing out the COVID game long after most people have lost interest and just want to get on with life – hotel conversion MIQ facilities, feverish COVID testing and pushing a vaccine that does little to stop the spread of the virus but may mitigate symptoms when you catch it – again, public perception; Kiwis are being kept in jobs and money, taxable income, is still circulating throughout the nation – for now most people feel wealthy.

This ensures the people of the aforementioned communist nations are told only what their governments want them to hear thus believe only the information their respective government want/need them to believe.

For the record, there is utterly no excuse for Jacinda’s government to cancel the South Island’s summertime events – concerts, festivals, Christchurch Cup Day – based on the presumption that because COVID is now rampant in the North and Auckland is in its umpteenth week of lockdown, given the South is around 365 days COVID-free, they must be due for an outbreak; realistically, the bulk of Cindy’s voting public are not southerners anyway, therefore it is scarcely an issue to her.

An additional two weeks…? Jacinda, clearly most Aucklanders are not playing the game anymore, so why the hell would you continue to penalise the ones who still are? Seemingly the only Aucklanders who are still endeavouring to ‘keep to their bubble’ are the only ones who don’t have COVID; the rest, the gang members (purveyors of meth), prostitutes (users of meth), they continue to do as they please.

According to what we are being told, if COVID is set free, every unvaccinated person will contract a severe strain of the virus, they will all be rushed to hospital overwhelming New Zealand’s Healthcare System, they will all be hooked up to ventilators then, (the result of sucking pure oxygen,) they will all (eventually) suffer (further) constricted airways, massive (panic) attacks and lastly, take up in a bed in ICU and probably die.

Admittedly, the above scenario would look bad for the Government but, here is the thing, it is not realistic; it would never happen.

This ensures the people of the aforementioned communist nations are told only what their governments want them to hear thus believe only the information their respective government want/need them to believe.

We are being fed propaganda; our government is feeding us a veritable cornucopia of mistruths and lies.


For everyone’s sake, vaccinate; if only to stop the shit dribbling from the mouths of every politician, also many newsreaders, we see.

New Zealand, please, vaccinate, because I have things to do, and this Government-enforced purgatory is shit; I’m done hearing about ‘cases of COVID’ – no one cares anymore.

Seriously, the vaccine is not going to hurt you; it’s likely going to do nothing at all, so let’s get 90% vaccinated and let’s get on with it.

Vaccinate, because this really is shit.




Article by Tim Walker

Edited by Lion Demi-Crats

Photography by Commie Ruler

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