Seems Australia has recently passed a law which means that many New Zealand-Australian criminals will now be sent home.
For a number of these New Zealand-born Australian overstayers this means leaving behind their Australian-born children, which some people who really have no right to even have an opinion (like me) believe is unfair; the aforementioned idiots apparently believe that to break up a family thereby potentially damaging a child’s future based on a parent’s thoughtless actions is an example of Australian border control heartlessness, rather than that parent’s display of sheer dickheadedness.
In my opinion (which, as earlier stated, is totally unsolicited thus utterly meaningless), I have zero sympathy for that questionable variety of Kiwi battler who make their way to Australia in the hope of finding a brighter future only to find it’s not nearly as bountiful as their idealistic mindset said it was going to be in that gold dust doesn’t blow with the prevailing wind and the money-trees they’d heard so much about either succumbed to drought or perhaps that recent timber shortage so end up in the exact financial predicament they were experiencing in New Zealand minus the cost of a plane ticket then with nothing else for it get knocked up and eke out an impoverished existence under the Australian sun while periodically emerging to commit petty thefts…
I think we’re supposed to then take pity on these people, once the Australian authorities have caught up with them I mean, once the Australian border control decides they don’t want them in their country anymore as all they’re likely to achieve in their adopted homeland is not likely to amount to much of anything although the progeny they have borne in the meantime, under Australian jurisdiction no less, are of course welcome to stay.
…As the legal guardian of anything I would have expected top priority ought to have been guarding the well-being of said dependant/s; this includes not embarking on pastimes which could directly or indeed, indirectly harm that dependant.
The problem is that in the moments prior to one of these soon-to-be criminals contemplating their soon-to-be unlawful actions, Mr Perpetrator doesn’t appear to take one of those moments to consider the implications, the ramifications of their impending actions; these people don’t appear to understand, to comprehend that their impetuous actions reflect negatively on others around them.
As I’ve seen it though, this problem is not exclusive to those crossing the Tasman Sea, it’s a Goddamn worldwide plight – children being torn from their dickheaded parents because it turns out those travesties of carers are in the business of robbing houses or ripping off cars by night; also probably selling illicit substances on the side.
As in one of these deportee cases, where the man was found to be dealing cannabis from his Australian shack and now faces the prospect of losing his children, honestly, who could be so brainless? How can anyone call themselves a parent then go off and partake in an act which jeopardises the futures of all involved?
You can’t commit a crime then bitch and moan because the subsequent prison sentence interferes with your lifestyle.
Piss off.
Article by Tim Walker
Edited by A R Swipe
Photography by D Keyed