I don’t agree with the age-old belief that genetics are the reason obese parents generally have obese children.
My theory is that it is the lessons passed down, the perceptions inherited and moreover, the habits instilled that truly influence the way a growing child deals with life.
Really there are only two habits an obese parent needs to halt in order to break this cycle: eating habits and exercise habits.
Generally a larger-than-life person will possess horrendous examples of both the aforementioned life skills. Regarding eating habits, I disagree with the belief that it is necessary to rigorously regulate the kinds of food going in; dieting is shit. Eat everything, just eat it in moderation and above all, don’t eat more than you need. That is the key. Coupled with good exercise habits – around half an hour of activity a day – breaking that hereditary cycle of fatness shouldn’t be too difficult.
The problem I believe is that children see their obese parents feeding themselves chocolates, biscuits, cakes and the like, and of course, that’s the image they perceive to be acceptable; hence the cycle continues.
There is no dispute that some are born with better constitutions, faster metabolisms thus superior abilities to burn fat before it adheres to their muscles than others; those with sluggish metabolisms simply require less food than their frantic counterparts. Why is there any confusion with that; for God’s sake, why would anyone eat unless they were hungry?
Oh that’s right; larger people typically eat for pleasure while smaller people eat for sustenance.
That is genetics, yes; tell me then, how is it that a relatively slim mother and father who have seemingly adhered to a life of good eating/exercise habits, can propagate a morbidly obese daughter?
Individually adopted eating habits, that’s how. This girl eats like you would not believe. I have watched her and she must put away as many calories in one meal as I would ingest over an entire day and given my various physical endeavours, I tend to require a rather high calorie count. This girl does nothing particularly energetic. This is why, and only why, she is currently twice the size that she would otherwise be.
Genetics do play a part in our progeny’s body shape, but I believe it is far from a defining factor; it has to do with the habits, that’s all.
This week’s theory therefore can be concluded in one snappy line: good eating and exercise habits will always supersede genetics.
Article by Tim Walker
Edited by B Queath-Body
Photography by E Ting/X Scyze Hubbice