I am easy to turn on yet am not to be considered lascivious.
I am able to be controlled from afar yet refuse to move from my place.
I am the cause of late night disturbance yet can have a soporific effect.
I am the life of the party yet I do not go well with alcohol.
I am less important now than ten years ago yet I will always have a place.
I am sometimes confusing yet one can always see what I am thinking.
I am owned by one yet am governed by whichever knob is manipulating.
I am often heard to be speaking yet only through proper channels.
I am a version of younger models yet some believe older is still desirous.
I am a fan of the attuning process and do not enjoy being static.
I am proficient at playing music yet not so much instruments.
I am known by a variety of names of which one is Sharp.
Last edition’s Fustigator: Denim